Needless to say, you can't just drag and drop files just as easily as you can on the Mac and iOS clients. Sadly, both leading tech companies are yet to come up with a mechanism to convert these files into an editable format. The platform also can't identify other file types including Microsoft Office documents. While the former already has sections for applications like iCalendar you won't find it on the later version. If you're accustomed to the slick interface iCloud has for Mac and iOS, you might need to adjust a little on its Windows client. You can easily share any file straight from File Explorer and collaborate with others. Need to access your files on someone else's laptop? Log in to your iCloud account via the web app and easily download that report you worked hard on last night. on the drive and access them on your iOS or Mac by syncing them together.

You may also store your photos, documents, videos, etc. Select which file or folder you want to keep on your computer and which ones you want to be stored in the cloud. Free up some space on your computer and access your iCloud Drive files right from File Explorer. Using the same technology as that of OneDrive, iCloud Windows users can be more productive even if they aren't connected to the internet. The program is available only to Windows 10 version so you have to make sure that your operating system is up to date before you can use the application on your PC. This time around, Apple decided to work with Microsoft to streamline iCloud's performance for Windows. While this should generally be considered as good news, but don't celebrate just yet until you try it for yourself. Apple phone and tablet users who are on laptop and PC can now sync their files across all their devices using the built-in application from Apple. It wasn't a long time ago when Microsoft announced that the iCloud will have a Windows-friendly version available on the Microsoft Store. If you're accustomed to the slick interface iCloud has for Mac and iOS, you might need to adjust a little on its Windows client Best cloud storage solution for Apple devices but not for Windows